New Member Portal

Welcome My Dear Friend...

Thankfully, you have discovered some of the joy of The First Cathedral here on our website. We are so glad you chose to spend your time with us.

Personally, I want you to know how important you are to us and to God. You are important because you are loved. That’s right. God does love you . . . and so do we, very deeply. And it is in the spirit of that love that we make this promise to you: that as a Christian family, a body of believers in Jesus Christ, we vow to demonstrate His love for you through our lives, through our worship and through our entire ministry.

Please be assured that each time you visit us on the internet or walk into our church you will be greeted with peace and acceptance. The reason is simple: you belong here. And each time you leave, you will be stronger and more totally equipped to face the challenges that await you in your life. Not only to face those challenges, but to conquer them and succeed in victory.

So dear friend, I welcome you joyously to a truly loving home. Our doors and our hearts will always be open to you, wherever you are.

Archbishop LeRoy Bailey, Jr.
Senior Pastor