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Prayer Walk

The Outreach Ministry invites all who are able to join them on a Prayer Walk. They will canvas Garden Street and surrounding streets. For sign-up, details, and parking information. Please stop by the Evangelism table and see Pastor David Fothergill.

Triumphant Sunday Anniversary Celebration

The First Cathedral 1151 Blue Hills Avenue, Bloomfield, CT, United States

Our special guest speaker will be Pastor Frank Ray and Melissa Bethea will be our guest worship leader. Immediately following service will head outside to the lawn for a TFC Family Outing with an outdoor concert, food, and fun. We will enjoy an outdoor concert from Melissa Bethea, Chris Bender, and Cinque & The Peace […]

TFC Family Outing

The First Cathedral 1151 Blue Hills Avenue, Bloomfield, CT, United States

We will enjoy an outdoor concert from Melissa Bethea, Chris Bender, and Cinque & The Peace Troupe. Tickets for the outing are $3.

Su’Nia’s Bridal Shower

The First Cathedral 1151 Blue Hills Avenue, Bloomfield, CT, United States

To celebrate the upcoming wedding of Pastor LeRoy Bailey III we are having a bridal brunch for the bride-to-be SuNia in the fellowship hall. All the women are welcome to attend.

Women in the Now Fellowship

Rev. Reathie Bailey and the women of The First Cathedral invite you to join us  for an evening of empowerment and fellowship.

Hospitality Ministry Meet & Greet Social

The First Cathedral 1151 Blue Hills Avenue, Bloomfield, CT, United States

For anyone interested in learning more about the hospitality ministry. Join them for refreshments and bring your questions concerning all things hospitality.

10 Nights of Prayer

Together we will call on the presence of God, and seek his miraculous power, to meet our needs

The Chosen Generation Youth Ministry Skate Night Fundraiser

Ron-A-Roll Indoor Roller Skating Center 85 S Frontage Rd, Vernon, CT, United States

Grab your friends and family, for a fun night out. This special event will also include a DJ Battle between DJ Eric Whitfield and Dj Mouse Trap, Michael Forbes.  Tickets are $15 for children under 10 and $20 for 11 and older. You want to purchase before June 18th, as the price will be $25 […]

Baptiste – Bailey Wedding

The First Cathedral 1151 Blue Hills Avenue, Bloomfield, CT, United States

Witness two lovely people become one, before the world, but more importantly before God. Our Executive Pastor, our brother, and our friend in the ministry LeRoy Bailey, III invite you to join him and his family as he makes the beautiful Ms. Su’Nia Baptiste his wife.